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A group of soldiers to fight a decisive battle Incheon Korean War.
Operating ChromiteBased real life Incheon, US General Douglas MacArthur in the Battle of eight events with members of the South Korean military secret “X-ray” must take place in the “Incheon landing operation” to complete.

Language: English / Korean
Classification: NA
General Release Date: September 22, 2016
Genre: Drama / War
Duration: No Information
Distributor: GSC FILM
Starring: Lee Jung-Jae, Liam Neeson, Lee Bum Soo, Jin Se-Yong
Director: Lee Jae Han
Format: 2D
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Operation Mekong Delta Mekong River runs dry cargo ship was attacked by bandits, caused the death of 13 people. When a large amount of drugs on board, the Chinese authorities of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar from the police to investigate the case. The film is inspired by true events that occurred in 2011.
Language: Basque
Classification: NA
General Release Date: October 6, 2016
Genre: Action / Crime
Duration: No Information
Distributor: GSC FILM
Starring: Eddie Peng, Zhang Hanyu, Joyce Feng
Directed by Dante Lam
Format: 2D
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Soldiers in the Battle of Incheon during the Korean War to fight.