Mirror - Pain and Pleasure Achievements / Routes (The Lost Shard DLC). For a fresh install extract the folder to your desired install location, open the GamezBD launcher and set your game path to the directory where you extracted the files. GamezBD launcher will update a few patch files. Archive can be opened with 7-zip. Patch: NO PATCH WILL BE PROVIDED.
Unlocking the uncensored version of HuniePop is super easy and only takes 5 minutes!
DISCLAIMER: This guide is for unlocking something NSFW viewer discretion is advised.
Knowing what you’re getting into
This part of the article isn’t necessary for understanding how to unlock the uncensored version of huniepop, but only to make sure that you the reader understand that you are downloading and installing drawn pornography onto your computer.Now, without further wait, how to get the pics!
Steps to unlock
First up you’re gonna want to open up files. On the left side under “This PC”, you’ll want to click on the Local Disk (as shown in picture).Rarely however, this won’t be where your games are stored. If this is the case, in the search bar at the top simply put in steamapps.
Next you’ll want to click on Program Files (x86)
Scroll all the way down until you find a folder titled “Steam”, click on it and from there you want to scroll down once more until you find another folder titled “steamapps”.

At the top you will find a folder titled “common” and from there you’ll want to look for the HuniePop folder.
Once you have double-clicked the huniepop folder, there should be three options that show up. Right click the bottom folder titled “steam_api.dll” and right click. Choose “copy” from the menu as shown.
Right click anywhere in the blank space and click “paste” from the menu. There should now be a file titled “steam_api – Copy.dll”. Rename this file to “huniepop_uncensored_patch.game“.
Now that this is done, close files and open your game. In the bottom left corner it should say the version number and underneath it should say “Uncensored”
Mirror Game Uncut Patch Download
Mirror Game Uncut Patch Free